Hacker's Arsenal - The Cutting Edge of Hacking
Hacker's Arsenal - The Cutting Edge of Hacking.iso
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·- ────────── a sIMPLE wAY tO hACK pCBOARD aND sUCCEED ─────────── -·
An eMC TeXT SPReaD By Sniper
┤▌ In the past few months many sysops have turned away from FORUM ▐├
│▌ HACKS to Pcboard. Why you might ask? Well it is a very simple ▐│
│▌ question to answer. Pcboard is 100% more configurable than any ▐│
│▌ FORUM HACK out there. Anybody with a little programing backround▐│
┤▌ can write their own PPE's. Many of the authors have included ▐├
backdoors in their own PPE's to prevent sysop's to get away
· with not registering. Now here where I come in. I am running ·
· a board of my own (PCboard of Course) and I go into PWAFV where ·
│ it asks for a file name, so I just tried to type any file from │
│ there. (Ex. %C:\SHIT.TXT) To my surprise THe file was typed!!! │
│ to the screen, but that's nothing. I Logged onto The Deep, A │
│ 305 Phoenix board, And paged Great White the sysop. So I told │
│ him about that little BUG(?) in PWAFV and at the time he was │
│ setting up Slogon 2.0 from ViGilante, I told him he could put │
│ it in a Script file so that the board would run it. That's where │
│ it came together, Slogon writes a textfile for the AUTOMESSAGE. │
│ If you plug in %C:\PCB\MAIN\USERS in the AUTOMESSAGE when you │
│ Logoff, you can call back and when you get to see the │
│ AUTOMESSAGE what you see is the USERLIST with all the users │
│ PASSWORDS including the first one the sysop's account. From there│
│ you hang up, call back, and logon as the sysop and when your at │
│ the main menu run 9 and go to DOORWAY from there do what you │
│ think would be nice. Another way is to run a PPE from the AUTO- │
│ MESSAGE. Instead of the % you enter !C:\PCB\PPL\EXAMPLE.PPE │
│ you could run a USER EDITOR, or whatever tickles your dick. │
│ │
│ To the Sysops that run Pcboard, Well any PPE that lets a user │
│ input text and then display it is a risk. Just go through your │
· PPE's and check them out. As for Slogon 2.0 Just edit LINE 2 ·
· of SLOGOFF.CNF so that it doesn't include the AUTOMESSAGE as a ·
choice to the users. I already tried to execute and display files
from the DIR.LST file and it didn't work and I also tried it from
PWA's AUTOSIG Utility, And a few other PPE's and it didn't work.
But there are plenty more PPE's that have this fault.
If anybody finds any other BACKDOORS please write to me at
Greets go out to Fatal Error = Your the best Courier around
keep up the good work. ;-)
Great White = Thanks
Lost Rider = What happened to PNX ??
WiLDCHiLD = Fix it fast!!
The Speed Racer = What's Next?
The Untimed = Cant we all just get along?
BASiLiSK = Thanx for the release.
July 15, 1994 (c) eMC.
══════════════ THe eLiTe MaFia oF CRaCKeRZ ═════════════
Wana Be A Disto Site
Fill out the application EMC-APP.EXE Damnit!@
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